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(904) 730-1305
The most effective advertising solution in
North Jacksonville.
Know why the River City Saver is so effective?
Your Ads Get Seen Every Time
The River City Saver is supersized 11"x17" flyer and gets attention every single time. No pages to turn or envelopes to open! Your business is front and center every single time!
Starts from just $0.01 per Home
Start advertising with the River City Saver for as little $0.01 cents per home. We deliver the most effective advertising at the best price in the market! There are no contracts to sign, because we're confident the results will speak for themselves!
No Competition
Each mailing of the River City Saver provides you exclusive rights to the entire mailing. So, you'll be the only plumber, only dentist, only business in that category. No more competing Ads.
Target Consumers More Likely to Buy
The River City Saver is direct mailed to 10,000 homes in your business zip code with an average of 3 people per household, that's 30,000 potential customers! Its been proven that consumers are more likely to purchase from businesses closer to them!
Getting your business in front of 30,000 North Jacksonville residents is easier than you think!
First, We Learn about Your Business.
We're not just trying to just sell you Ad space. We want to make sure we know your business inside and out, so we can help drive customers directly to you.
Second, Reserve Your Ad Space.
Once you've made the decision to grow your business and partner with River City Saver, you'll secure your Ad space with a 20% deposit. Deposits aren't required but we encourage you to do so. Ad space fills up quickly and can't be guaranteed without one.
Third, We Design Your Ad.
We work with you to design a killer Ad that'll get your business noticed, and drive customers to your door. We're skilled at developing Ads that get you results! If you already have an Ad designed, we can use that too! Did we mention we don't charge our clients for our Ad design services? That's right, your success is our success.
Lastly, You Enjoy the Results!
The River City Saver is on its way to 10,000 homes and 30,000 North Jacksonville residents. The only thing left to do now is prepare for more customers, because you've utilized the most effective advertising that can only be found in The River City Saver.
Contact us today and see how easy it is to grow your business with us!
The River City Saver is seen by 30,000 residents in North Jacksonville.
Target the neighborhoods where your customers live and play. The River City Saver Saver reaches 10,000 homes with 30,000 potential customers. Its all starts at just $.01 cents per home.
Average Home Value
Average Household Size
Average Household Income
High School Graduate
Some College
Higher Education Graduate
Top 10 Reasons
Why direct mail is STILL so effective in reaching new customers.
1. Direct Mail Does Not Require Opt-In
Unlike email and text messaging, you do not have to get a recipient’s permission to send them direct mail. This means, even if a customer does not subscribe or unsubscribes from your email list, you can still get in touch with them
2. Which Is More Memorable
Only 44% of people could recall the brand directly after seeing a digital ad, whereas 75% could directly after receiving direct mail.
3. Direct Mail Stays Effective Longer Than You Think
Direct mail is a bit like a note on the refrigerator door. “We sometimes hear from customers that our mail stays on their desk for weeks. They may not immediately take action, but our brand lingers until they are ready to contact us. An e-mail does not last as well – and is far less striking.
4. It’s Still Effective When The Target Recipient Has Moved On
If you send an email to someone who’s no longer at that email address, it bounces back, If you send a Direct Mail Piece, someone home and they moved, the new owners will sees it — and you’ve just introduced yourself and your company.
5. With Direct Mail You Do Not Have To Fight To Get Attention
E-mail is effective, but also overwhelming. In 2020, The Radicati Group concluded that the average business customer sends or receives 121 emails per day. The overwhelming deluge of e-mail in the office is a solid hurdle for e-mail marketers. It is difficult to distinguish the mess from the real mails, so that a large part of business e-mails is not read at all. By contrast, people receive much less marketing by mail than ten years ago – a unique advantage for direct mail.
6. Direct Mail Gets Opened & Read
Imagine walking out to your mailbox and bring back a stack of mail inside. Do you immediately throw it all in the trash, or scan it to see what you received? If you scan or read through each piece, you are not alone. In fact, 90% of direct mail gets opened or seen, compared to only 20-30% of emails. This means the vast majority of recipients will see your direct marketing message, more than any other medium.
7. Advertising Mail Is Kept In A Household For 17 Days On Average
If you were wondering why direct mail works, here’s your answer. Direct mail stats show that people tend to throw out advertising mail after 17 days. This gives all members of the household plenty of time to review it and take action.
8. 73% Of American Consumers Say They Prefer Being Contacted By Brands Via Direct Mail Because They Can Read It Whenever They Want
Leads love to be nurtured. Consumers like having a relationship with their favorite brands, but not based on the brand’s marketing schedule. For example, they hate it when they’re browsing the web and all of a sudden, an ad appears. They want to be able to learn what’s new with the brand they support at their own convenience. Direct mail marketing statistics show that the majority of US consumers prefer direct mail as a method of communication with their favorite brands because they can review it when they see fit.
9. 57% Of Email Addresses Are Abandoned Because The Users Receives Too Many Marketing Emails.
Getting through to customers via email can prove challenging. When consumers start receiving too many unwanted emails, they simply abandon that email address and create a new one. It costs them nothing and it makes a lot of dead leads for marketers. Direct mailing advertising, however, are more reliable. After all, people do not move house because their mailbox is overflowing
10. When Asked, “Which Is More Effective At Getting You To Take Action?” 72% Of Millennials Said Direct Mail, While 28% Said Email.
Millennials spend their days glued to their phones. And while it would be easier to visit a website after seeing an email, they report that postal mail inspires them to take action more often than email. The Wall Street Journal reports direct mail marketing statistics indicate that 72% of millennials consider postal mail effective in getting them to visit a website, go to a store, or make a purchase. Only 28% said the same of email.